UmbrellaX (UBX) - VDA Index Fund Token Overview

UBX is a VDA Index token that is representative of a portion of the total value of the Top 12 VDA index. The initial tokens can only be acquired during the token offering process which is a one off, closed cap offering.

The tokens provided will represent a participant's share of the portfolio. 98% of the total amount contributed during the offering will go directly towards buying the underlying Virtual Digital Asset.

UBX is token Deployed based upon the Binance Smart Chain blockchain. Operating on the blockchain allows for global accessibility, 24/7 trading, transparency. Public verification of UBX holdings and no expensive legacy banking fees.

The tokens vault is linked directly to the 13 underlying cryptocoin assets held by UBX via the innovative price floor mechanism implemented in our smart contract. The smart contract allows participants to cash out for their share of the underlying assets at any time.

This means that UBX's value on exchange will be protected - it will be irrational to sell at a price lower than the tokens share of the underlying assets if a higher price is offered via the smart contract.

Token holders are free to sell or exchange their tokens at any time and pay no exit fees. broker fees or advice fees.

The only opportunity for future participants to buy these tokens post- ICO will be from ICO participants on exchange - no further tokens will be sold . 90% of the ICO funds will go towards purchasing the underlying assets.

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