Our journey in WEB 3.0 started in 2015. Initially Bitcoin Holding, Trading and Awareness of Bitcoin and Blockchain Technology to Public.

Decentralized Finance began with the launch of DPOS Validators STAKING PROJECTS in 2020, at the stroke of on 10 th January 2020. Our vision was Simple - Empowering users to "own their money".

Instead of parking their money with banks, users could keep them in assets (such as gold, silver, stocks, ETFs, real estate etc.) and spend it in real-time using a bunch of financial

services such as an asset-backed debit card, instant loans,earning yield on assets etc.

This enabled the users to get 100% insurance on their "money" and the ability to beat inflation. We received good traction for our product and soon decided to turn it into a completely decentralized offering with OpenDeFi Finance.

The Open nature of OpenDeFi could enable adding various asset classes and empower developers to build financial services on it. Unlike a bank, we're open. Just plug and play.

Soon after the launch, we partnered with over 15 plus Investors from 0.1 Million Funding and reputed companies to expand and thus began the development journey of WEB 3.0 Users and the launch of its governance token UBX.

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